Script for Demoing a New Payment Form

Demo Script:

*NOTE: When doing a demo, feel out the client with a little bit of small talk, you want to know if this particular client is someone who appreciates a lot of detail or just needs the basics. Sometimes a client only wants to know how the form works and what they need to do to make sure they are collecting the information they need, others really want to know an in-depth explanation of what they could have as opposed to what they currently have.

** ALSO NOTE: The only form that produces an accepted results screen, is the Lycan form. Use the credit card number 4111-1111-1111-1111, exp. 1216, ccv. 123.
Start your meeting and screen sharing prior to the client(s) arrival. Be sure to keep all APS screens hidden from the client. This works best if you have 2 screens, however, you can use the “pause” function if you have only one screen and need to pull up sensitive information. Use the “pause” before bringing up the information.

(Make sure you have the appropriate demo(s) on screen for your client to see, NEVER show them the actual demo links page:  .)
(Starting from the most basic form: )

“What you are seeing here is the straight forward (out-of-the-box…no bells and whistles…etc…), landing page. If you have a website” *NOTEIf they have a website, be sure to make note of that on the spec sheet, and get the actual url.

** If they have a website:

“We can make this landing page look like your website, so that your customers have a seamless transition from your page that contains your payment button, to this landing page. We will need you to supply us with a high resolution copy of your logo as well if you have one.”

** If they don’t have a website:

“If you have a logo, please send a high resolution copy so that we can match the colors and fonts. Please note that this is all 100% customizable. From the logo, to the colors and font style. The verbiage that is showing is just example copy and we will replace that with whatever you want us to. All we need, is the verbiage you want in a word document emailed to us, and we will take care of it. Also, please note that there is a mini-miranda in red, before the “continue” button. This is to aid in the minimization of chargebacks. The contact email at the bottom can be an email, an email link or a button.” *NOTEIf you click on the “contact us” link in the verbiage on this first landing page, it takes you to a “contact” page. It gives the user the appearance that the company has a full website…this is what the button would potentially lead to if they want it to.

** Answer any questions to the best of your ability, and if you don’t know the answer, Skype with someone who might, or tell them that you will look into that and get back to them.

“Clicking on the continue button with take you to a secure form. This gateway is Level 1 PCI Compliant“. *NOTEIt is very important to mention that the gateway is Level 1 PCI Compliant, you can work that in where ever best suits your conversational needs…but it is important to mention as not only is it a great selling point, but it gives the client comfort knowing their clients information, as well as their own, is safe.

“Please take note that the logo, colors and fonts, will all match what you provide to us as it is with the landing page. The contact button at the top right, is optional.” *NOTEIf the client says they want it, please take note of that on the spec sheet.

** Be sure to point out, all fields on this form are just an example, and that all of them are customizable, we can add, remove etc…

“Here you can see we have a pretty straightforward form. At the very top of the form, we show what cards are accepted. If you accept American Express, that can be added in also.”*NOTEUsually the client will answer yes or no right away, please note this in the spec sheet. “In the payment summary box in the top portion of the form, we collect the account information. So, here, you can see we have a Payment amount, and a convenience fee. Please note, that the convenience fee is also customizable. If you charge a convenience fee” *NOTEIf they do, now would be a good time to jot that onto the spec sheet as well. “it can be set up to be a flat fee, a percentage, we can even set it up to be either of those and be dependent upon which state they live in. So for example, if you don’t collect a convenience fee from people who live in New York, there would be no convenience fee entered in if they selected “New York” on the landing page. This would of course, mean they would have to select their state from the landing page, so that it can be properly populated, but I can show you an example of the drop downs after this one if you are interested in that.” *NOTEIf they want to consider the drop down on the home page, there are many ways you can handle this, at this time, I might jump to the other form: to show them the drop down function on that landing page.

“Each form we build is customizable in what fields are required, what fields are shown, whether or not you want a different description or label.”

** If you pull up the highly customized form:

“Take a look at one of the more customized form examples” *NOTEBring up “This one makes the debtor agree that they have not only read but they agree to all the terms set forth on the landing page. They cannot move forward, to the form, until they agree to this. This really cuts down on chargebacks because you now have proof that they have been given all the information needed.” *NOTEProceed to the actual form by pressing the button.

“Notice that on this particular form, the debtor has two options at the top of the page. They can either pay by credit card or by check.” *NOTEClick on the pay by check button to show that there is a different set of criteria here. Also, if they mention that they in fact, do want to accept check payments, note that on the spec sheet. “This particular example, doesn’t show the convenience fee, but as stated before, everything is customizable and these fields can be added to, taken away from, and have the verbiage changed. For example, most people change consumer number to “account number” or “client number”. Sometimes, they need both. Whatever information you need in the Payment Summary section, can be added.”

“The credit card information is fairly straight forward as well, these fields are all required. The billing information can contain any field you want, remove any you don’t want. You can have any of them be required, or not, the choice is yours. However, please note that in order to provide your debtor with an email receipt, you must make at least the email address required in this section.” *NOTEIf they decide right then that they will want this feature, please just add that note to the spec sheet as well. Remember, the more information you can collect now, the less that will need to be collected in the spec meeting, and also, being able to “remember” what was said, makes the client feel valuable. Also, be filling out the form using test information and be sure to fill out all required fields…if you are on the Lycan form, be sure to enter the credit card information from above to get an approved results page.

“As you can see, I have filled out all of the required fields, so I am going to go ahead and click the process payment button for you…notice that I get the results page immediately. If the card is approved, you will get this message. If the card isn’t approved, you will get a declined message, with the reason they were declined. Also, note the “print” button. This is also customizable, and can be anything you want, or not be there at all.” *NOTENow would be a good time to click the print button to show them how this would work.

*NOTE: Again, at this point, answer their questions to the best of your ability and be sure to let them know if you don’t know the answer you will find out and get back to them. It is a good idea to fill out as much of the spec sheet as possible…sometimes the spec sheet meeting can be done at the same time as the demo, but usually it is a good idea to set up another meeting so they have time to look over all the forms and decide which “template” they like best, and what will best suit their needs. After you have completed the demo, give them at least 2 days then reach back out and see if they are ready to set up the spec meeting and get that scheduled.

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